I can proofread your essay or thesis

As stated by university policy (eg University of Canterbury guidelines), I can only proofread your essay or thesis. In other words I can check and correct layout, grammar, wording, spelling and matters of style. I can not do any writing or editing for you.

If you are in Christchurch NZ, then we can meet in person if you wish.
Contact me to proofread your essay or thesis

Here are some tips about writing your essay or thesis:

When writing your essay or thesis, starting and planning early are important.

  • Start working on your essay as soon as possible
    Start while the requirements are fresh in your mind. Think carefully about the question, and scope your work.
  • Research and formulate your arguments early
    Whether your information comes from lecture notes, readings or research papers, source what you need to know. Decide on your major arguments and conclusions before the main task of writing, and certainly not when your deadline is imminent.
  • Organise the essay or thesis structure
    Think about how your arguments fit together. Decide the order in which they will be presented, so that you can formulate your conclusion as clearly as possible. If an argument does not fit well into the structure, question whether it is relevant.
  • Write your essay draft with time to spare
    Your first essay draft might not be pretty, but at least you have your ideas down on paper. Give yourself time for at least one revision. After a few days away from your draft, a fresh mind can bring huge improvements.
  • Keep your writing simple
    When you are expressing complex arguments, it is important to write naturally with simple language. Avoid over-long sentences wherever possible.

Oxbridge Essays have useful tips for writing academic essays


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